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Articles & Excerpts

Below is an index, listed in alphabetical sequence by author, of some of the most valuable articles and excerpts relating to maximum systems of self-realization that I've come across. Click on a title to see the referenced material. An index of the website author's articles is on page two.




Hubert Benoit On Faith in the Creative Principle This excerpt from Benoit's Supreme Doctrine: Psychological Studies in Zen Thought expresses the paradoxical nature of true Zen, which is based on the principle of respectful doubt but which points out that it is only because of the "downward current" from our essential nature that the earthman is able to discover his essential nature.
Louis Bromfield Bromfield's Dog, Prince A moving description of the death of a beloved friend, from Bromfield's biographical Malabar Farm.
Bob Cergol What Is Your Calling? This excerpt from correspondence appears in the TAT Forum, a monthly e-zine that is part of the TAT Foundation web site. It was written in response to an inquiry regarding content and activities for a "Youth and Spirituality Conference" organized by the Self Knowledge Symposium of Raleigh, NC.
Robert S. DeRopp Object Games and Meta-Games An excerpt from Ch. 1: A Game Worth Playing, in The Master Game by this biochemist and student of Gurdjieff.
Robert S. DeRopp The Seeker An excerpt from Ch. 5: The Theater of Selves, in The Master Game.
Bob Fergeson Movement "Take meditation into the world of action, rather than just imagination. It will then lead to a change of being, rather than just new patterns of isolated thoughts."
Bob Fergeson Something for Nothing A hugely informational rundown on (and an uncomfortable look at) how seekers become unable to act.
Bob Fergeson Tricks Expert advice on outwitting the parts of ourselves that outwit our spiritual seeking.
Foyan Look! Look! People who study the path clearly know there is such a thing; why do they fail to get the message, and go on doubting?
Foyan Sitting Meditation Put your own mind to use to look back once: once you've returned, no need to do it again....
Hakuin Ekaku The Importance of Kensho "It is there as clear and stark as could be. It is staring you right in the face. But none of you is awake to see it. You are like owls that venture out into the light of day, their eyes wide open, yet they couldn't even see a mountain were it towering in front of them."
Catherine Harding Podcast In the tradition of "On Having No Head": podcast from Urban Guru Cafe:
Part 1 (29 minutes);  part 2 (23 minutes);  part 3 (30 minutes)
Douglas Harding The 8x8-fold Plebeian Path A matrix in prose and pictures of the Headless Way, from Harding's The Trial of the Man Who Said He Was God.
Douglas Harding A Jesus for Our Time Excerpts and commentary on the Jesus of the lost Gospel According to Thomas. December 2002 TAT Forum.
Douglas Harding The Nature of the Physical World "... The most absurd piece of pseudo-scientific nonsense is the dogma that consciousness is a by-product of matter." October 2002 TAT Forum.
Douglas Harding Self-Enquiry: Some Objections Answered "Why don't all intelligent and serious people make it their chief business in life to find out whose life it is?" August 2002 TAT Forum.
Douglas Harding What's Moving? Click on the video clip to the left to see Douglas explaining, in a 2001 interview by Richard Lang, the first-person view of what's moving when one's walking or riding in a vehicle. (4.5MB; 1 min 15 sec; Firefox may download the file to your desktop unless you specify otherwise in the main tab of Tools/Options)
Huang Po The Zen Teaching of Huang Po on the Transmission of Mind Excerpts from John Blofeld's translation of the ninth-century classic, including some dialogue of Ch'an master Huang Po.
Tess Hughes "Finding" a Teacher "An attitude of looking for a teacher is coming from the wrong place. The teacher is presented. It's a matter of the seeker being willing to recognise and accept what is offered and to use it. With an accepting intelligent attitude the path opens up naturally for us, not by having been laid out ahead of time, but opening up as we walk the path."
Tess Hughes Meditation "The word meditation is an umbrella word that covers a variety of activities, much as the word thinking or music does."
Hui-neng Hui-neng on the Sudden Way A "formless stanza" from the great Ch'an patriarch Hui-neng's first public talk, from The Sutra of Hui-neng, translated by Price and Wong.
St. John of the Cross (Juan Ypes) Ascent of Mount Carmel Stanzas by St. John of the Cross with instructions for climbing to the summit of Mount Carmel, the high state of union.
Jiddu Krishnamurti On Relationship How we avoid deep relationship with others, which may be our best hope for self-revelation, from Krishnamurti's First & Last Freedom.
David McCullough Los Niños Héroes Moving account of the first visit of an American President (Harry Truman) to Mexico and his tribute to the "child heroes" of the Mexican-American War.
Franklin Merrell-Wolff The Aprhorisms Merrell-Wolff's 56 Aphorisms on Consciousness-Without-an-Object flowed out of his Self-Recognition and could lead the seeker back to the edge of the same Recognition. From Experience and Philosophy.
Franklin Merrell-Wolff The Induction Franklin Merrell-Wolff, a mathematician and prospector, had a profound realization in 1936, which he described in Pathways through to Space. From that time until this talk in 1970, various people coming into contact with him experienced a taste of what he had experienced, but always spontaneously. This is a transcript of an attempt to bring a group of listeners intentionally to the door to Nirvana.
Franklin Merrell-Wolff The Predicament of Buddha Merrell-Wolff explains the predicament of anyone who realizes That which "can be Known only through Identity" and then tries to communicate it to someone who's still stuck in the domain of subject-object experience. From Experience and Philosophy.
Franklin Merrell-Wolff Sangsara and Nirvana Merrell-Wolff said he was surprised to find himself writing poetry after his self-realization. This pair of descriptive poems is the most beautiful and inspiring "benefits statement" of awakening I've ever come across. From Experience and Philosophy.
Shawn Nevins The Business of Seeking Relating the leap from Good to Great in the business world, as investigated by Jim Collins, to the "business" of seeking.
Shawn Nevins Giving Up "What one person found another can. Not in one mighty summoning of will and determination as it may seem in glossy retrospect, but in a series of small steps and choices that build momentum, that change who you are, that build a vector – a force in a direction."
Shawn Nevins The Seeker's List of Things to Do Possibly the most astute advice ever given to spiritual seekers.
Shawn Nevins The Use and Abuse of Teachers Practical advice on how to work with a teacher, from a teacher's viewpoint.
Shawn Nevins Thoughts on Meditation "Meditation is like diving into a pool of muddy water. You have to stay in a while before the mud settles and you can see what is going on."
Nisargadatta Maharaj All Search for Happiness is Misery An excerpt from a conversation with a young searcher, from I am That: Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.
Nisargadatta Maharaj Is Birth Real? A conversation between a self-deluded searcher and this 83-year-old Indian sage, from Seeds of Consciousness: The wisdom of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.
Ramana Maharshi The Shaking of the Shadow An example of the inspiring dialogues of this great Indian sage of the first half of the 20th Century, from Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi.
Richard Rose Deposition of Conclusions of Life's Philosophy "It has occurred to me for some time that there should be some deposition of thought concerning philosophy, the pursuit of Truth, the means to pursue it, and a decision as to the nature of good and bad or right and wrong procedure." Circa 1955, about 8 years after Rose's profound realization.
Richard Rose The Grand Work of the TAT Society Rose's vision of an umbrella group that would encourage serious seekers of various levels to work together; the three major categories of seekers; the highest form of spiritual work; and the ongoing basis for TAT as broader than the esoteric (Albigen System) group.
Richard Rose Laws Some of the laws discovered by mystics and scientists down through the ages.
Richard Rose Lecture of Questions A series of questions that Richard Rose added to over the years. One attendee at a public talk that included the questions said that they hit his head like a wrecking ball. "Does a man own a house or does the house own him? Does a man have power or is he overpowered?..."
Richard Rose Notice "To those who would steal, subvert, and enslave: your identity is known, and your masks and aliases are known...." Rose addresses Lust, Laziness, Pride and Procrastination.
Richard Rose Pathfinder "Man chooses a spiritual path according to his capacity, the same as he chooses an occupation or profession...." Rose's description of the different levels of spiritual maturity and the paths that correspond to them.
Richard Rose Play "It is a known fact that the subconscious mind gives forth its inspirations under a lassitude of the conscious." A short commentary by Richard Rose on a 1930 Reader's Digest article by Harry Emerson Fosdick, "Living for the fun of it."
Richard Rose Premises, Conclusions & Techniques From The Albigen Papers by Richard Rose. A summary for the seeker, based on Rose's digging and discovery.
Richard Rose Temptation Shortly after his profound experience in the spring of 1947, Rose wrote The Three Books of the Absolute (published in The Albigen Papers and Profound Writings, East & West; see the TAT Foundation web site for more information on Rose and his teaching) – the description of his realization that came to him in blank verse during one inspired sitting. He wrote this thought-provoking paper later in that same year, on the subject of temptation as it relates to the spiritual path.
Richard Rose The Threefold Path A common discovery among people who have realized their essential nature is the recognition that there is no formula or standard procedure they can pass on to other seekers. Richard Rose was unusual in that the breadth of his own path allowed him to formulate a structure or metasystem that can be employed by seekers at all levels. The inspiration for this paper was the Biblical quote attributed to Jesus, "I am the way, the truth and the life," which Rose saw as being equivalent to Gautama's directive of taking refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha. Includes the general Method and a Chart of the Detailed Steps.
Joseph Sadony How does one Change? Thought-provoking and inspiring material from Joseph Sadony's amazing biography, Gates of the Mind, which provides guidance on leading an intuitional life.
William Samuel Account of an Awakening "Many hymns, chants, prayers and mantras have come down to us through the centuries. We know that certain of them contain an especial and mysterious authority when read aloud. Behind their words, beyond their words – indeed, being their words – lies a Message understood by the Heart alone, simply awaiting our conscious recognition."
William Samuel Induction Talk "I was speaking with a group of theologians and metaphysicians who were hearing of the Child within for the first time, as may be the case with the reader. The talk was intended to put a finger precisely on WHAT the Child is. My guests did not know that.... The essence of that talk is printed here is some detail because everyone present eventually found the Child and the marvel that comes with it."
William Samuel Journal Tending Technique "Get yourself a notebook and begin a journal. There is a 'flow' from the Ineffable Beyond Name into our conscious/unconscious awareness, and from there into tangibility. We move into that flow as we clothe our Glimpse with words. That Flow is continual, constant, ever-flowing – from Non-Movement into tangibility and the world's movement."
Art Ticknor Articles - page 2
(Index of articles by website author.)
John Wren-Lewis Conversations with the Down Under Mystic Personal interview with the Australian science professor and skeptic-turned-mystic, by a Duke U. student.
John Wren-Lewis Unblocking a Malfunction in Consciousness Wren-Lewis had a near-death experience after eating a poisoned piece of candy given to him on a bus in Thailand. While his body lay in a hospital bed, he found the answer to all his questions about life and death. This article explores his ideas on what blocks our normal consciousness from awareness of our true nature.

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