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Laws, by Richard Rose

Down through the ages, mystics and scientists regarded the finding of laws to be the equivalent of finding milestones of progress. The application of them, or the observance of them, will help us understand things not previously understood. They may also save us a few sore spots which are normally incurred by banging our heads against walls that do not move.

Law of Proportional Returns: You will get that which you give. Effort is rewarded and helping others inspires help. Helping also develops in us a more acceptable attitude.

Law of the Ladder: The ladder here is used as a symbol to show that there should be a selective giving of goods, energy, or spiritual help. The law says that you should not reach below the rung upon which you stand, except to the first rung below you in order to help people. If you reach down too low your efforts will be wasted, and you will be hurt. Or crucified.

The Law also says that you cannot be helped by anyone too far above you, because you are not prepared to work on the same level at which he is working. There are less people on the higher rungs than on the lower. We will be lucky if we can find one man who can help us, but we should be working with six or more on the rung below.

Law of Love: The proper application of the Law should be in the direction of the friends upon the path, those on our rung and two adjacent rungs. This love can be expressed as friendship of the most unselfish type. For those too many rungs above we can only offer respectful silence. For those who cannot see us too well, being less fortunate,--we can only afford compassion. Anything other than compassion may verge on self-deifying egotism.

Law of the Reversed Vector: In spiritual matters, man must become identified as a vector, or force, if he wishes for results. If this vector is aimed in the wrong direction (relative world scene) his life is wasted. The Law states that you cannot approach the Truth. You must Become (a vector), but you cannot learn the absolute Truth. We find that there is only one way, and that is to first build ourselves a very determined person,--a vector. We must back into the Truth by backing away from untruth.

Law of Paradoxical Immanence for All Things Relative: Everything is relative to the ability for measuring by the eye of the beholder. We discover what appears to be an immanent paradox in all our findings and postulates. This tends to deter most minds from coming to a positive stand on many matters. The paradox, while disquieting, is often for the thinker, the first real hint that there is a transience about the observable, physical world that will always elude his enquiries.

Law of Relativity: We cannot think without association or relationship. We are related to all things.

Law of Faith: The Law has to do with the changing of the apparent status of matter by means of human belief. The size of the miracle depends upon the intensity of the belief of those minds. Healers are found to be most effective in multitudes, and less among people from their home town.

Law of Complexity: This Law may well be called the law of life, since life is found only in very complex structures. Complex structures are highly unstable. Any transcendental movement that has allowed itself to become complex, and to sprout all sorts of ramifications, is in the same jeopardy as protoplasm,--it tends to die.

Law of Equilibrium (Karma): That the individual is accountable for thoughts and deeds born of his thoughts. Most people postpone the operation of Karma to future incarnations. Consequences of our acts come to us if they can in the same birth as when they were committed.

© 1955 Richard Rose. All Rights Reserved. See The TAT Foundation web site and the Greatest Teachers section of this site for more information on Richard Rose.

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