Do you ever wonder why you are here?
"Why am I here
From a psychological angle, we're moved by desires and fears two sides of the same coin. You can thank some combination of desires and fears for being here today.
Looking at the desire side, a desire is a want, a feeling that something's lacking. The desire to satisfy some perceived need implies the existence of dissatisfaction. Feeling that something's lacking implies the desire for wholeness or completion. (That's the story of psychology.)
From a standpoint of physics, you could say: "I'm here because I'm not somewhere else. I'm a material body, and material can't be in two places at once. Are you sure?? We run into great contradictions when we get down to the subatomic level.
I've been reading Science as a Spiritual Practice by Imants Baruss, a Psychology professor at Kings University College in London, Ontario and a Franklin Merrell-Wolff fan. His first chapter is an attack on materialism, which he says still grips academic science despite decades of contrary data. One of the examples he gives is the double-slit experiment in particle physics. It's been years since I read The Dancing Wu Li Masters, so I did some Internet searching and found Richard Feynman's description of the double-slit experiment, which is easy for a layman to understand.
Now that we've seen the expected results with particles and waves at the everyday level of our sense experience, we move down to the subatomic level. Here the double slit test uses an electron gun in a vacuum tube (like a TV or cathode ray tube computer display). Electrons are particles, having a well-defined mass, an electrical charge, and so on. The inside end of the vacuum tube is coated with a phosphor, producing a small burst of light when hit by an electron.
Could the electrons may be interfering with each other after they pass through the barrier when both slits are open. In order to check this, we slow down the firing rate so that only one electron is in the system at a time. After a large number of electrons have been fired, we see that the distribution is still a wave pattern!
That's bad enough
that observing particles affect their behavior
but it gets worse! What if we wait until after the electron has passed through the barrier before we make a decision to turn on the detector? Baruss tells us that if we decide to turn it on, we find that the electrons have acted like particles; but if we decide not to turn it on, we find that the electrons have acted like waves. The electrons appear to know which decision we're going to make before we make it, showing what appears to be a backward causation in time!
Your identification with or as a material body moving through a material universe may need some scrutiny.
Maybe you're here
From a presentation, "The Simplicity of Being," made at the TAT Foundation's 2007 spring conference.
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