Thoughts and feelings are scenery. You're not those thoughts or feelings; you're what's aware of them or observing them.
Everyone knows facial expressions are generated by emotions, right? In Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, Malcolm Gladwell notes studies showing that facial expressions done intentionally affect the autonomic nervous system the same as those generated by emotion. To test this for yourself, place a pen between your lips (which prevents contraction of the two major smiling muscles). Are you ready?
Q: Why did it take the Buddha so long to vacuum his sofa?
How funny did that joke strike you on a scale of 1 to 10? Now clench the pen between your teeth without your lips touching it (which forces contraction of the two major smiling muscles).
This guy was climbing a tree when suddenly he slipped, then he grabbed at a branch and was hanging there. After an hour or so had passed he felt himself getting exhausted and looked up to the heavens and cried out: "God, help me, please, help me." All of a sudden the clouds parted and a voice boomed out from on high. "Let Go!" said the voice.
The guy paused and looked up at heaven once more, then said: "Is there anyone else up there?"
They were both corny jokes, weren't they. But could you tell a difference in how humorous they seemed based on the facial expression determined by the pen positioning?
If you say or tell yourself: "I don't know what to do," that indicates a belief that you're the decider (which may also indicate that you don't know the mind. :-) The AA folks have a saying: "Let go and let God." (Maybe the second joke above came from an AA member.) After I made an internal commitment to find or become the Truth regardless of the cost, I never made another decision about where to live, what type of work to do, etc. I found that when we put first things first, other things take care of themselves.
I came across an amazing case study on getting to know your own mind recently. It was an autobiographical sketch by a fellow named Steve Brier, "How I Came to Understand then Overcome Autism Conditions ... from the Inside Out."[2]
Here are some excerpts from it:
Steve found powerful ways to observe the mind and when he did so, he found that his state of being changed.
[1] Instant Zen: Waking Up in the Present, translated by Thomas Cleary, is a book of Foyan's teachings. [2] Steve Brier's article on autism in the May 2006 TAT Forum.
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